The Battle of Thompson's Station

In a period of relative inactivity following the Battle of Stones River, a reinforced Union infantry brigade, under Col. John Coburn, left Franklin to reconnoiter south toward Columbia. Four miles from Spring Hill, Coburn attacked with his right wing, a Confederate force composed of two regiments; he was repelled. Then, Maj. Gen. Van Dorn seized the initiative. Brig. Gen. W.H. “Red”  Jackson’s dismounted 2nd Division made a frontal attack, while Brig. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s division swept around Coburn’s left flank, and into his rear. After three attempts, characterized by hard fighting, Jackson carried the Union hilltop position as Forrest captured Coburn’s wagon train and blocked the road to Columbia in his rear. Out of ammunition and surrounded, Coburn surrendered. Union influence in Middle Tennessee subsided for a while. - per American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP)

Battle of Thompson's Station Facts and Summary Excerpts



2013 Battle Recreation

The Town hosted a recreation of the battle in May 2013 for the battle's sesquicentennial  (150 year)
celebration.  The recreation was held on Homestead Manor property, once part of the actual battlefield.  Numerous residents volunteered with civil war era clothing and crafts.

Photos and Video from the event.

Home footage from the event.

Battle Event Info Sheet